
Moluccan Cockatoo

Moluccan Cockatoo

Moluccan Cockatoos (also called salmon-crested cockatoos) have salmon-pink colored feathers that cover most of their head crest.

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Eurasian Eagle Owl

The Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the largest owl species

East African Crowned Crane

East African Crowned Crane

The East African Crowned Crane’s name comes from the bristle-like, golden feathers on top of their heads.

Green-Winged Macaw

Green-Winged Macaw

Blue and Gold Macaw

Blue and Gold Macaw

They are playful and inquisitive and also able to mimic human words and sounds around them.

Harlequin Macaw

Harlequin Macaw

Greater Rhea

Greater Rhea

The Rhea is the largest of all South American birds and is related to ostriches and emus.

Sacred Ibis

Sacred Ibis

In Ancient Egypt, the Sacred Ibis was worshiped as the god Thoth.

Abdim Stork

Abdim Stork

Local Africans believe that the Abdim’s Stork is a harbinger of rain and good luck.

Violet Turaco

Violet Turaco

Violet turacos aren’t the best flyers, but they easily navigate their forest habitat by running along branches.

Red Fronted Amazon Parrot

Red Fronted Amazon Parrot

They live in large flocks, however, during the breeding season they live in pairs. 

Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot

Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot

Royal Palm Turkey

Royal Palm Turkey

Indian Peafowl

Indian Peafowl

Other Birds include:
Black and White Casqued Hornbill, Emu, Common Ostrich, Scarlet Macaw, Military Macaw and Golden Pheasant.